Leverage in Personal Finance

Leveraging in simple words, means borrowing to finance something. Is leverage the same as debt? No.…

Power of Compounding Myths

“Power of compounding is the eighth wonder of the world”. The quote is attributed to both…

Benchmarking in Money Management

Benchmarking can be defined as the practice of setting up a standard measure, and measuring performance…

When financial advice stops making sense

Financial advice is not a subject of casual conversation, points out a columnist in a Sunday…

What are Investment Alternatives?

Investment alternatives are different from alternative investments. Alternative investments mean investing in less known avenues like…

High Yield Savings Accounts

High yield savings accounts look attractive when you need to park money for the short term.…

Fixed Deposits turn attractive again

Money managers who deal with stock market investments always ridicule a bank FD. Yet, there is…

Will inflation go down?

Inflation is a cause of concern, more so in a slow economy yet recovering from a…

NFT Explained in layperson terms

NFT is the latest rage in investment, especially amongst the young. You are not cool, if…

P2P Lending as an Asset Class

Asset classes that beat inflation are an ongoing subject of discussion, and P2P lending has emerged…