Small Savings Schemes in India

Small savings deposit schemes are trusted instruments (launched by the Government of India) to park your…

Debt Instruments – Fixed Deposits

“Debt instruments are for investors with a low-risk appetite”. You often hear this statement from financial…

Priming Your Lifestyle for Prosperity

Money habits are a never-ending subject. Everybody has an opinion on what’s wrong and what’s right,…

Emotional Intelligence in Money Management

Emotional intelligence is a term coined by Daniele Goleman, and he paved the way for recognition…

Freelancing – What You Need to Know

Freelancing appears to be the new buzzword hailed for its flexibility. Moonlighting employees are under a…

Yeh E-Rupee Kya Hai?

E-Rupee, Digital Rupee, E-Rupi and Rupay ….. India is confused. What is all this? Cryptocurrency attracts…

Is Emergency Fund Necessary?

The pandemic turned emergency funds into a hot topic in money management. The mass impact on…

What are economic moats?

A moat is a trench, usually filled with water, surrounding a building, fort or town as…