A wave rises and recedes. A storm leaves its marks. A pandemic may cause irrevocable changes in mindsets, culture and insurance policies.

Yes, insurance and more specifically health insurance ….Covid19 has changed health insurance scenario in India forever.

Let’s talk about the recent changes in health insurance rules and what should we expect in future.

1. Health insurance will cover all kinds of Covid19 treatment

New theories and controversies surround Covid vaccines. Vaccinated people catch infections. Yet, the vaccine cannot be written off. It helps survival. It eliminates the need for hospitalisation. And it appears to have stalled the Third Wave successfully.

As per a diktat issued in Maharashtra, health insurance will cover all kinds of Covid treatments. It includes treatment given at home.

This will come as a relief for many, and reduce overcrowding in hospitals.

2. Covid-special health insurance in India will continue till March, 2022

Insurers have issued health insurance plans specifically to cover the corona virus diseases.

Corona Rakshak, Corona Kavach and Corona Virus Group Health Insurance are the popular ones.

All such schemes will be in force only till March, 2022.

However, rules remain open to revisions, as we have seen in the last 18 months.

Some Covid survivors suffer cardiac arrest or cardiac damage, a year after contracting corona virus.

Will corona virus be treated as a pre-existing disease in future? It increases the risk to people once afflicted? And despite it not being a continuing ailment like diabetes or Ischaemic Heart Disease….

It reminds me of the mandatory column we need to fill in application forms “Have you ever faced conviction or imprisonment in the past?”

So now you will be asked, “Do you have a Covid history?”

4. Voluntary deductibles in health insurance

This term is borrowed from motor insurance.

What are Health insurance deductibles? The policy holder agrees to bear a part of hospitalisation expenses, in every claim. It applies to pre-existing diseases.

It is more convenient than 

  • not being covered at all
  • not being covered for pre-existing diseases or 
  • being covered at a very high cost. 

Here, the insured pays only if hospitalisation actually occurs.

Refer to this article for more details on pre-existing diseases.

5. Rewards for fitness and good health

Everybody is familiar with no-claim bonus in motor insurance. Your vehicle does not suffer a damage, and there are no claims in a particular year. You are rewarded with a premium discount in the following year.

A thought process is on about rewarding the insured in health insurance with a premium discount in the following year, in case there is no claim during the year.


The insurance industry is changing.The concept of risk is undergoing a colossal change. 

Contagious diseases have always been there, but nothing on a scale and volume similar to Corona Virus. Breathing is a risk here. It is unlike other cases where certain kinds of body contact or consumption of certain items causes a disease.

Health insurance for family is also likely to undergo changes.

If your policy is due for renewal, or if you plan to buy a new one, do spend time on researching existing options and reading up on possible changes in future.

Engage a financial planner if needed.

It will help in making an informed choice.

Stay safe, stay healthy and well-covered for risk….

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