Asset Classes – How do we choose the right ones?

Asset classes are clusters of financial instruments available to investors, to meet their financial goals. Broadly,…

Tax Planning for starters

Tax planning for salaried employees calls for attention in the month of December, as employers mount…

What are economic moats?

A moat is a trench, usually filled with water, surrounding a building, fort or town as…

Benchmarking in Money Management

Benchmarking can be defined as the practice of setting up a standard measure, and measuring performance…

Will inflation go down?

Inflation is a cause of concern, more so in a slow economy yet recovering from a…

Risk Management in Financial Planning

What is common between the following three terms for an investor? Omicron Initial Public Offer Cryptocurrency…

Vanguard or Index Funds in Retirement Planning

A young man wants to know if mutual funds are better than direct equity, and why…


“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” – Confucius What is…